This documentary series tells the story of the late DJ/producer DJ Mehdi, a young suburban artist of Tunisian descent who, over the course of an early and extraordinary career, shaped the sound of the toughest collective in French rap (Mafia K’1 Fry, including Kery James, 113, Rohff, and Intouchable). He collaborated with some of the biggest names in French rap (Booba, MC Solaar, Akhenaton, Diam’s, etc.) and later became one of the brightest ambassadors of the "French Touch" internationally, alongside Busy P, Cassius, Daft Punk, Justice, and the Ed Banger label family.
A unique and inspiring journey connecting the two most popular musical movements of the past 30 years—hip-hop and electro—through the exceptional path of a true musical genius whose work profoundly impacted both cultures, yet whose story remains largely unknown to the general public.
Witness and creator of his era, DJ Mehdi left a lasting impression on everyone he encountered, from the rap scene to the electro stage. Mixing archival footage with deeply moving testimonials, DJ Mehdi: Made in France offers not just the portrait of a genius, but also that of an entire era.
Cannes Séries - Best Documentary Series Award
SACEM - Special Jury's Award
Editing & Artistic Direction : Jules RENAULT
Scenario : Thibaut de LONGEVILLE
Director : Thibaut de LONGEVILLE
Editors : Jules RENAULT, Zakaria CHEURFA & Nayla BAGHDADI
Music: Thomas ROUSSEL
Withe the participation of:
Kery JAMES, Busy P (Ed Banger), Rim’K, Mokobé & A.P. (113), Gaspard AUGÉ & Xavier de ROSNAY (Justice), Boombass (Cassius), DJ A-Trak, Santigold, MC Solaar, -M-, Dave One (Chromeo), Fafi, Romain GAVRAS, So-Me (Ed Banger), Riton (Carte Blanche)